Inkscape Project Apple


  1. In this project you will create an apple and other fruit.
  2. Click on the link and watch the video:
    2. The video takes you through the steps of how to make a simple apple.
    3. Pause and rewind the video as needed.
  3. Search the internet for images of Vector Fruit. Use these as a reference when working on your project.
  4. Open Inkscape.
  5. Change the document size to 8.5 inches high and 11 inches wide.
  6. Use the skills you have learned in Inkscape to create an apple and 3 additional fruit.
  7. The project must have the following elements:
    1. An apple with a bite taken out of it
    2. 3 more fruit of your choosing
    3. Arrange them in a pleasing fashion
  8. Name your project:
    1. Class_firstname_lastname_apple
  9. Project Grade
    1. 25 points for naming the project correctly
    2. 25 having the document sized correctly
  • 50 for including all the required elements.
  1. Raise your hand when complete.