Joe of the Week: Thunder 1

The Joe of the Week is Thunder, the 1984 Slugger diver. The figure has a good design and he fit in with his vehicle nicely. I like his accessories and the look like they fit with his role, as a self propelled cannon driver. The slugger is one of the few vehicles that I would like to have. I never had it as a kid and it is still one of my favorite machines in the line.

I never owned Thunder however I did have his monocular so finding a great deal on Ebay for him only needing his monocular was awesome. However in my excitement to get the good deal I overlooked his condition. He has a good bit of paint wear. If the opportunity presents itself I would love to upgrade a few of his parts, especially the head.

What was a vehicle as a kid you never had but always wanted?









Learn more about Thunder here: Link

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